SO. Before you get all excited, the Double D in the title isn't about boobs unfortunately. Calm down. This isn't that sort of blog. If you ended up here looking for porn then 1000 apologies.
What this ACTUALLY is is a way for me, Ria, and my sister, Storm (yes, genuinely, that's her name) to blog about the huge life changes that are happening to us both, weirdly at the same time. And what that is, is that we're both moving out of London to places we've never been before, and places that couldn't be more different to each other.
She's off to Devon.
While I'm moving to Dubai.
(Hence the DD)
My understanding of her job is mainly that it revolves around horse sperm, while I'm going to be a stylist for a company that I don't yet know the actual name of. We're potentially making some really strong life choices here.
But anyway we thought this would be a good way to keep our family and all our friends updated on what's happening, and also thought the differences and similarities of moving to two such different places could be interesting to see side by side, and might be helpful for anyone that's potentially doing the same sort of thing. And also it will probably be interesting for horse perverts.
So she'll be updating from a field.
And I'll be doing it from a beach.
I MEAN I know I'm biased but I deffo think I've made the better choice here.
So that's that for now. I'm moving at the beginning of November and she's going early January, so the next month or so will probably just be me stressing about how to dress in a country where it's 50 degrees but you have to be covered up, and her delighting over the fact that she's getting all my winter jumpers. Send help.
Ria x
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