I mean no, not everything. But most things. I've finally got all my flight and hotel details through and everything (thank god, since I'm leaving on Friday) so I'm having a really like SHIT THIS IS HAPPENING moment. I mean it's been happening for the last month and I'm so so excited but I've now packed my shoes into my suitcase so it's got seriously real.
But in all seriousness these are the things that I'm fretting about most and if anyone has any advice or knowledge they'd like to share and help a sister out that would be excellent.
1. Getting on a plane by myself. Don't mean to sound like a baby but I refuse to find the toilet in a bar or restaurant by myself so this is almost too much. I'm actually forcing Storm to come and see me off because I feel like she's good at life and will point me in the right direction.
2. What to pack. How the hell do you pack for boiling weather when you have to cover up, and how on earth can I fit my life into one suitcase and still arrive to a new job feeling sassy and fashionable? I'm also using those sucking-the-air-out bags you can get so fear 2.a is those filling with air and bursting open and spraying my belongings everywhere.
3. Getting my visa stamped and approved when I get there. Like, what if they say no just because they don't like the cut of my jib or something?
4. Getting lost. I have a genuinely hopeless sense of direction (much to the disapproval of my dad) and I am now moving somewhere I have never been and the impression I get is that you can't just walk places, which is mostly how I fix getting lost because Google Maps is my babe for life.
5. Phone contract. I have to get a new Sim when I'm out there, meaning I'll have a new confusing number, will probably lose all my friends numbers, and I have too many excellent Whatsapp groups that people will have to re-add me to. Also I still have 10 months of my phone contract here so have to decide between leaving it running for no reason or paying like £1000 to get out of it. EE can do one, they are my least favourites.
6. Being in a bikini a lot. I mean quite self explanatory but my Dubai diet was supposed to start approximately four weeks ago and I'm currently halfway through my eighth biscuit of the day.
7. Finding a flat. My no.1 fear at this point. I have two weeks in a hotel to do it, but it can't be done until my new bank account is set up, which can't be done until my Visa is done, and apparently there's Visa delays. I also have to run around in 30 degree heat in areas I don't know dealing with (probably) dodgy landlords. That was rotten enough when I had to do it in London recently and it was only like 19 degrees. And I wasn't on a deadline.
8. Not making any friends. It's like starting Uni only everyone else already lives there and you're just this fruity panicking stranger barging into their midst begging for love and trying not to sweat.
9. Boiling/burning to death. I'm a secret ginger so fear for my life.
10. Offending someone and being arrested. Not by getting slutty and getting my knees out or anything but through my uncanny knack for thinking without speaking.
11. Hating my job. I've been in same easy, secure job for 3 years and suddenly I'll have to try and impress people and try hard and stuff. And not say anything inappropriate.
12. Being poor. Trying to figure out money and whether I'll be ok and whether my salary is fair is like learning how to live on Monopoly money when you don't actually know how much stuff like washing tablets costs for the little people in Monopoly.
This was supposed to be a list of ten things but I'm so scared it became twelve. What a wimp. I'm just trying to focus on the fact that I'm actually panic excited and no matter how much you stress everything seems to work out in the end, doesn't it. DOESN'T IT?